Saturday, July 14, 2007

Again, Better

Well, I didn't feel well yesterday, so I stayed home from work and mostly searched for a new donor. And I found one. A much, much better one. His coloring is much more like T's. He seems smart in the same way T is. And the best part is, he's an open donor. That means when our children are older, if they want to find a way to contact the donor, they will be able to. This was important to us. While I'm sure we will be perfectly happy if our children express absolutely no interest in our donor, it is natural to have curiosity about the biology behind your existence, and we wanted it to be up to our children to decide how to proceed in contacting or not contacting the donor.

I am feeling much, much better about the donor decision now. I feel much closer to the, "This is the guy," feeling than I did with the other donor. T agrees that this guy is, hands down, our best choice.

I was able to sleep last night (with a little help from Ty.lenol PM) and this morning I am still convinced that we found our donor. This is a much better decision.

Now I get to start worrying about whether the sperm will be available or not.


Erin said...

I'm so glad you found a better donor! It must be such a tough decision and you want to be sure (or as sure as you can be) about it. Hopefully all your worries will be answered soon!

Natalie said...

I am so glad to hear this! I hope he's available. (or at least, that his stuff is.)

Happy said...

That's GREAT!!! I agree w/you about the open donor. That appeals to me too. It doesn't necessarily mean that he/she will want to meet him, but it will the opportunity will be there.

I hear you on the Tylenol sleep aid of choice is Nyquil ;0)LOL.

Sarah said...


Samantha said...

I'm glad you've found with whom you're comfortable. I hope that will make next steps easier.

Nearlydawn said...

YAY! I am so happy for you guys that you took the time and effort to look again. It was meant to be, I'm sure of it. Hope all goes well for you guys - it is time for some good luck to head your way.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed that this donor will have the goods available. It sounds like he is the one.

LIW (Lady In Waiting) said...

I am really glad that you found a donor that is a better fit for you. He sounds like exactly what you have been searching for!

Keep us posted.