Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And on and on.

No offers on the house yet. There was one family that came really, really close to an offer but decided one of the bedrooms was too small and so it didn't happen. It is so difficult when you can just taste things going well and then they just slip away. (Sound familiar? Seriously.)

We need to sell this house within two months or so, and we need to sell it reasonably close to the current asking price. I am so nervous.

Today was the first day I have been home with Henry by myself in over 3 weeks! I was really nervous about it because he's become quite mobile with the crawling since then, but things were pretty normal. We're definitely going to have to go out more because now that he's mobile he's got a bit of shpilkes and we definitely need to get out of the house. We went for a few walks today and I put him in the exersaucer on the porch.

He really likes to swing.


ultimatejourney said...

Oh my goodness, he looks so grown up with those teeth! If you want to get out of the house, you are more than welcome to come enjoy our new deck, which is now complete. It even has some fun toys, although the swing set is not up yet.

I_Sell_Books said...

Oh, he looks like such a happy baby!

Good luck with the house - nervewracking times.