Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I'm filled with ennui. I'm just bored of everything.

Yet, my motivation sucks.

Any suggestions?


Almamay said...

I know this if from leftfield (you are a baseball fan afterall) but have you ever tried fresh carrot juice? When I need a pick-me-up I make fresh carrot juice. Sometimes I add fresh ginger as well or celery. It gives you a really nice kick. I love it so much I have a juicer and use it all the time.

astral said...

I like to read, bake, work out, paint my toe nails, knit, read blogs, watch my favorite movie, dance, call a friend when I am bored. Ooh--and shop online!! I hope this helps :-)

Almamay said...

Oh, I second what Astral has said especially painting your toe nails (even if it is winter you know your toes are pretty) and shopping online. I hardly buy stuff but I like looking, especially for kitchen gadgets. I love Shawshank Redemption or Groundhog Day for a movie.

DrSpouse said...

Knitting? But I guess you've already thought of that.

(Or alternatively virtual knitting aka yarn shopping online or browsing Ravelry projects!)

Anonymous said...

a pitcher of Cosmo's???
a decadent dessert???
a day at the spa???

beagle said...

Watch a funny movie, that usually cheers me up a bit. Also, try picking something that would normally make you feel better and just kind of make yourself do it, and you might find that after a bit you realize you do feel a bit better. Or my newest one . . . cleaning/sorting: I grumble and hate it at first but it's a pretty quick success kind of thing and the progress is visiable and feels good to me.

I hope something sparks for you . . .
