Monday, April 21, 2008

Two years

This week it will be two years since I started this blog. Two years. And I feel further away from having a baby than ever.

I will write more about this soon. I just thought it had to be said.


niobe said...

Two years is a very long time. It was almost exactly two years ago that I was going through my first (and only) IVF. I was sure it would work. I was sure I would have twins. I was almost right.

Almamay said...

I'm so sorry. I do have some idea of how you feel. I think.

Jessica at Bwlchyrhyd said...

So sorry sweetie...

DrSpouse said...

Depressing, isn't it? (she says helpfully)

Samantha said...

I'm sorry. My blog may be only a year old, but I've been going at this for over three years now, so I know how it can feel shocking and then depressing with the amount of time that goes by.

Waiting Amy said...

I haven't had the chance to comment much lately Rachel, but wanted you to know I'm often thinking of you as you struggle with this. Hitting those sorts of milestones can be so very hard. Hoping you find a little peace in your day.

beagle said...

All these milestones hurt.
I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

I started my blog two years ago, too. I thought that things would be so different by now. Boy was I wrong.

luna said...

it's a terrible feeling. wishing you some better ones soon. ~luna

Gumby said...

I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time. It may not help much, but I really do believe that things will get better in time.
It's just the waiting that's such an unbearable bitch, isn't it?

Sending a virtual hug your way...

Janna said...

I'm so sorry you've hit the 2 years mark. I know how empty that can make you feel. Thinking about you...

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Two years is a long time.