Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is the part of the 2ww where I go crazy. I'm constantly feeling myself up. Sometimes I feel quite sore, and this makes me happy. Other times, I feel almost nothing and this makes me convinced that I'm not pregnant. Again.

I also constantly think about the quality of the soreness. Soreness on the insides of my breasts is just premenstrual cramping and it isn't hope inspiring. Soreness on the outsides of my breasts inspires hope. Soreness when I move them up and down is a good thing. The lighter the touch and the more the soreness, the happier I am.

I think I was more sore yesterday than I am today. That is not a good sign. Yesterday I was feeling pretty hopeful, but I am feeling much less hopeful today. I know there is just no way to know. I know that I will know soon. T has tried to forbid me from feeling myself up, but there's no real way he can do that.

I'm still planning on waiting until Tuesday to test.

I feel like I get more and more insane with each cycle.


Samantha said...

It's early. I hope you can hang in there and try not to overanalyze your symptoms (and I know how tempting that is!). I'm sorry these donor cycles have been so difficult. I hope you and T can regain some of your happiness.

Anonymous said...

If feeling yourself up to try and predict the outcome is as crazy as you get I think you're doing pretty well :-) Hang in there.


Somewhat Ordinary said...

I did the same exact things. Hang in there-only one more day!!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck today--we're pulling for you!

singletracey said...

Just checking on you sweetie! PRAYING for the positive this month for you....

Knock Me Up said...

Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you today.