Saturday, July 12, 2014


We are doing well. Henry still loves Violet and being a big brother. She is growing into a strong, active and aware baby.

Things are very busy, but pretty good. We are working on Henry's behavior issues. He is going to camp at the new school where he will be going to KINDERGARTEN! It is a special ed school where they work on social/emotional/behavioral issues in children while still having them participate in a mainstream classroom. It is perfect for him and I am excited for him to be part of that program.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Doing fine

We are doing fine. Violet is growing and growing. She is smiling and laughing and is no longer a newborn blob. She is definitely a baby. She sleeps well and she just loves her big brother. She stares and stares at him.

Her big brother also loves his little sister. He is more of a helper than I ever imagined. He continues to have his own issues and we have been working on them vigorously. We have a special school he will start in the summer and continue in the fall for Kindergarten. We are going to start him on some medication to help him be a little more under control.

So, things are going. They are a bit crazy, but they are going. Finalization is scheduled for mid June.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Going home!

Finally, finally, finally I get to go home. Finally! I have a plane ticket for 10 am tomorrow morning. I have been in FL for 3 weeks. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Still in FL

Henry and T flew home Thursday after being here two weeks. Henry needed to go back home and to school. He was falling apart in the hotel room. 

ICPC is taking forever. It's still goong to be 3 or 4 more days. The person who looks at the paperwork is on extended sick leave and they are incredibly behind. 

Luckily my parents are in FL and I rented a car and drove 4 hours with Violet to their apartment to stay. No hotel fee here, and good help with the baby. 

Violet is doing great. 

I want to be home so much. Not being there is killing me. I didn't expect our family to be apart like this. It is so hard. 

Wednesday, March 05, 2014


We visited with CC, Henry's birth mom, today. It was a great day. H was hesitant at first but warmed up quickly. He gave her a flower and wanted to show her everything and play with her. He wouldn't give her a hug, but he was happy to see her. He knew she was special to him. 

When I showed him Violet's ultrasounds before she was born, he wanted to know if there were any if him. I never got any, but I told him he could ask CC when we saw her. Guess who remembered to ask today. Henry amazes me all the time. 

So glad we got this time together. 

Here are the kids again. Henry asked to hold Violet every morning so far. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

She is with us

Papers signed. Here, I will call her Violet. Feel free to email for her real name. 

Henry is over the moon.