Friday, March 05, 2010

Is it me?

I wrote a different post about this which I may work on later, but it's not finished nor is it nuanced and this is bugging me so I'm just going to put this out there.

Is it me, or are there other people that are annoyed by this whole "attachment parenting" thing that's out there.

It's constantly pissing me off.

My name is Rachel and I hate the "attachment parenting" philosophy.

However, I love my son.


Almamay said...

How could you not love that beautiful face. He looks GREAT! And has such a wonderful sparkle about him.

No idea about this parenting thing. Will have to look it up. It's not reached London yet. Or if it has I've completely missed it.

Mindy said...

No it's not just you!!!

Delenn said...

Not just you! Totally loathe it!

DrSpouse said...

Almamay, you're very lucky if you've not heard of it as it is rampant in the UK.
Not based on any evidence, but it's a handy stick for I Am The Best Parent Ever types to beat other parents with.

Sue said...

I think it is widely loathed.

Deborah said...

Why do you hate it?

Foxxy One said...

Why do you hate it? I love it but can see why it's not for everyone. I don't think it makes me any better a parent than someone who doesn't subscribe to it's ideas. That being said, there are some aspects of it that I just can't wrap my head around (EC for example).

niobe said...

It's absolutely not my style. Which tends more towards, as they say, detachment parenting.

Unknown said...

I love the AP approach. It suits my natural parenting style and I find it far more forgiving than the likes of Gina Ford (not sure if she's made it over the pond? I'm in the UK) and the obsession with routines.

Kel said...

I hate labeling parenting. I refuse to subscribe to a parenting philosophy.

J. sleeps in our bed, is that attachment parenting? Is it "Co-sleeping?" I like to wear him instead of pushing him around in a stroller or in his carrier, my arms are long my body is short, the carrier makes me feel like a cantilever! Is that attachment parenting? Oh and I do it because it helps me burn calories just as much as I do it to be close to J. and the world just isn't very stroller friendly!

I am not a fan of anyone labeling another parent's style, I'd rather not know about the schedule of other people's children. If you can't do something with me, just say you can't not that it interferes with your kid's schedule. Just suggest another time. Children are an important part of our lives, they are not our lives, so we need to use what ever tricks work to keep our lives going in the correct direction, what ever that may be for each individual family!

Yoka said...

I am with you on the AP thing.

Me said...

Why do you hate it so? The various AP practises themselves?